Sunday, April 7, 2013

Online Gaming Storyboard

I must admit that I am no Steven Speilburg when it comes to directing movies.  However, I am somewhat excited to be working on this video for my Distance Education course with in my Ed.S degree program.

The following PowerPoint file is the beginning of my storyboard for my online gaming video presentation.  This storyboard is an early work and I am sure it will evolve and change as the course continues and I continue my research into online gaming as a means of distance education.  The scope of this video will focus on online gaming for early childhood education students.  I look forward to comments from my classmates and learning community members.  I hope that some of you are more experienced than I am and will provide critical feedback to make this a well done video.

Frame 1: Title Sequence
“Online Gaming”
Duration (0:20)
Music starts, fades into opening video frame
Frame 2: Open Video Sequence
Video Footage (0:30)
Narration: Emergence of online gaming
Students working in computer labs, close ups of students working and their computer screens.
Frame 3: Interview Sequence
Personal Interview Footage (1:00)
Setting: Computer lab background
Close up of Margaret, answering one question.
Response: Citing information from research on the benefits of online gaming
Frame 4: Benefits Sequence
Setting: classroom background
Student Interview: Student answering question from teacher
Duration (0:40)
Frame 5: Classroom lesson intro
Setting: Computer lab/Classroom
Music fades from transition
Video footage: Teacher talks briefly about the lesson.
(fades to classroom video)
Duration: (0:30)
Frame 6: Lesson
Video Footage (1:00)
Setting: Classroom/computer lab
Teacher interacting with students and teaching online gaming as a lesson.
Frame 7: Introduction slide/ close
Setting: outside, walking
Video footage of teacher introducing keynote speaker for conference on online gaming
Duration (1:00)
Fades out to black screen.


  1. Hi Margaret. It looks like you have a good start conceptualizing your video. Now is the time to really focus on planning by looking for visual elements to represent your ideas, as well as attaching narration to them. Take another look at the tutorial for storyboard format (images on the left and narration, dialogue or description on the right). Good planning now will save you a lot of time later, and it will make for a better video!


  2. I believe you have a great plan for your video. I liked how you already have an idea of how long each section will last.

    1. Thanks for the compliments. Those are just a rough estimate. I can get long winded sometimes so I tried to set myself a limit.

  3. I suspect that we are all novice learners in the video production arena and we need to mutually support each other in this regard. My least expected challenge so far occurred as I was trying to post my storyboard copying from MS. Word to pasting to Wordpress. I was finally able to overcome the limitations of the technology by using another mechanism.

    I find your topic and storyboard quite appealing and very well sequenced.

    Best of luck.

    1. I had a similar problem. I initially did a PowerPoint as my storyboard, but found no way to attach the file to my blog, so I had to redo the storyboard in a different format.

  4. What type of gaming will the students be involved in and will it connect to the state standards?

  5. I am very excited about the video that you will produce. Have you decided on the movie technology that you will be using to make your movie?
